Narumi Nitpicks: Judge Eyes

Over 40 hours later, with all side quests done and the main story completed. I just wanna say this experience has been a blast.

The story is by far the selling point of the whole game and it is just so good. It takes some time to get going for sure, but once the mystery reaches its climax, you just can't get enough of it and want to keep on going until the end. The game really knows how to keep your interest hooked and get you wanting more. For the longest time I've felt the actual plots in the series weren't really all that good (aside from 0) and the main draw for me was always the characters and their relationships. Judge Eyes is the rare exception in that it is good on both fronts, compelling characters you can't get enough of and a gripping mystery thriller with some slice of life moments to moderate the pacing. Quite possibly my favourite story in the series, a close close rival to Yakuza 0 for me. I do wish some of the secondary characters got more screentime though.
The gameplay is the best across the Dragon Engine games but that isn't saying much. You still need to unlock most of the moves to have any decent fun with it, and the controls are still clunky, but it's still a marked improvement over 6 and Kiwami 2.

Thoughts on new gameplay elements:
-Lockpicking: Didn't care much. Not too much of a pacebreaker.
-Investigations: These are great. Finally the detailed environments are put to good use.
-Tailing missions: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

In terms of side missions, I'd say this is one of the weaker ones in the series. There are some gems here and there, but a good number of them are somewhat forgettable and nothing special. There is nothing on par with 0's or 6's side missions, nor do they have the same charm to them. A few get really close though. Just a few.

Overall, the whole game is worth going through for the story alone. The RGG Team works best after all with a fresh set of characters instead of a returning cast. While thematically not too different from the previous games in the series (it is still a crime drama with a heavy focus on the Yakuza leading onto a massive conspiracy involving the government), the strong writing, excellent characters, and intrigue just keeps me going hour after hour.

Story (yes I have to single this out because if it were a VN or anime I'd totally love it more): 8/10
Overall: 6/10


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